Professional Competence Profile and CV

All you need to know about me :-)

AAU Profile and publications 

In short

I am a goal-oriented and motivated team facilitator with a demonstrated history of collaboration with different stakeholders. My areas of expertise include digital learning, behavior design, information architecture, project coordination, workshop facilitation, international collaboration, and knowledge sharing. I excel in transforming principles and strategies into practice. In my work, I have had a particular focus on complex organizational contexts and on facilitating solutions that bridge between the digital and the physical realms. 

— Key Competences

  • Learning and Knowledge sharing
  • Behavior change technology
  • Workshop facilitation 
  • User-driven innovation
  • Team Management
  • International collaboration and coordination


Do Behave

Founder / 2022 - Present

Consultancy agency focused on the development, implementation, and evaluation of behavior design. 

  • Project management (Agile/Scrum)
  • Workshop facilitation
  • Stakeholder engagement
  • Process facilitation
  • Talks and Courses
  • Documentation and dissemination
  • Collaboration facilitation

Aalborg University

Part-time Associate Professor / 2023 - Present

Teaching and Supervision 

  • Project management (Agile/Scrum)
  • Problem-Based Learning

Center for Computational Thinking 

Team Lead / 2017-2022

Team lead, Center for Computational Thinking, Aalborg University, Department of Communication, and Psychology.

  • Coordination and process facilitation
  • Collaboration facilitation, local and external
  • Digital facilitation of activities
  • Documentation
  • Meeting facilitation
  • IT Vest collaboration and engagement

Aalborg University 

Assistant Professor / 2016-2022

Research and Teaching at the department of Communication and Psychology

  • International collaboration
  • Project coordination,
  • Research
  • Publication and dissemination
  • Course development and planning,
  • Teaching
  • Student assessment, local and external

Aalborg University 

Assistant Professor & PhD Fellow / 2012-2016

Combination position as assistant professor and Phd fellow

  • Research
  • Teaching BA and MSc 
  • Supervision
  • International collaboration


PhD, Persuasive Designs for Learning

Aalborg University/ 2017

  • In January 2017 I defended my Ph.D. dissertation focused on combining digital learning with persuasive design

MSc., Information Technology (Information Architecture)

Aalborg University  / 2010

  • The elite-study in Persuasive Design (EPD) is an advanced Master's-program for BAs within communication, psychology, information science and similar backgrounds. Only BAs with first class honours are admitted into the program.

BA in information Science

Aalborg University/ 2007

  • My BA was initialized in studies of English and Computational linguistics at CBS, but concluded at Human Centred Informatics at Aalborg univers


Advanced Project Management

  • In 2024 I completed a 2-day course in Advanced Project management at the University of Oxford. My skills acquired through this course include Project Management, Resource Allocation, Project Risk Assessment, Risk Management, and Project delivery


  • In 2024 I completed the course in Fundraising Essentials at My skills include fundraising, application management, and application assessment, for small and large projects.

Certified Scrum Master

  • In 2022 I completed a 2-day Scrum course at Compass Academy. The course combines Scrum theory with practical examples and is directed towards Scrum Master certification. Following the course, I completed the Scrum Master I Certification at

Design Sprint Facilitator 

  • In 2020 I became certified in problem framing, planning and facilitating Design Sprints by The Design Sprint Academy in Berlin

Professional postgraduate teacher training

  • As part of my assistant professorship, I have completed the 1-year course on planning, teaching and evaluating students in higher education and in professional contexts

CEFR English teaching certification at level C1

  • As part of my teaching training, my skills in dissemination in English have been assessed and I have been reworded C1 which is the highest achievable level at Aalborg University


National Censorkorps

  • I was in late 2021 appointed a member of the national censorship, and will for a period of 4 years serve as exam censor across Denmark. My obligations focus on the high-level education in communication, digital design, and experience design

Persuasive Technology Steering Committee

  • In 2019 - 2024 I was elected member of the internal steering committee for collaboration and research in Persuasive Technology and Persuasive Design. 

Vester Hassing School - Aalborg Municipality

  • School board Member 2023 - 2024
  • School board, Vice president 2022 – 2023
  • School board, President 2018 - 2022

Sandra Burri Gram Hansen is one of those lecturers whose classes you, leave with a smile on your face, say the students who have named Sandra Burri Gram Hansen Teacher of the Year. When she teaches, it is clear that she does so with great personal commitment and interest in her research field and the teaching of others. In teaching Persuasive design, Sandra Burri Gram Hansen uses realistic examples and recognizable situations to explain the most complex technical terms. She makes her lectures unforgettable in such a way that you, cannot help but think of Persuasive design as soon as you enter an Ikea store or see a Garmin watch.

As a supervisor, she does an exceptional job, always creating curiosity. Sandra Burri Gram Hansen is not only welcoming and humorous she also has an incredible amount of professional and practical knowledge, which as a student you can always draw upon.

(Students at the Department of Communication and Psychology, AAU, 2028)

Selected Projects and Collaborations

Media Evolution – Collaborative Foresight, Behaviour Design for Future Well being

  • In 2022-2023, I am part of the group of experts who collaborate in investigate and develop scenarios for digital behavior design of the future, with a focus on well-being in work and private life. I contributed with a talk on behavior design at the start of the current cycle, and as a workshop participant in December 2022 and February 2023. The collaboration contributes to developing projects and activities across the Nordic countries.

Cirkular City Week 2022

  • In 2022, I joined the delegation of companies that, in collaboration with Green Hub Denmark, participated in the Circular City Event in New York City. The mission aimed to support knowledge sharing and establish collaborations between Danish and international companies and organizations. The mission gave insight into innovative green solutions in private and public companies and included an insightful visit to Cornel University. In addition to my active participation in company visits and conference activities, I contributed with a presentation about behavior change support systems in green transition.

SMART Mobility (Interreg project)

  • I 2021-2022 I joined the team of experts in charge of guiding project partners from Danish and Swedish municipalities. The team of experts consisted of 6-8 academic and professional experts on sustainable solutions, who collaborated on providing the project partners with critical reflections and ideas for new solutions.

Persuasive 2020

  • In 2019 – 2020 I served as Program Chair and project manager when the Persuasive Technology conference was to be hosted by Aalborg University. This included coordination and dissemination, and it also included a very fast transition from physical conference to virtual conference, when Covid-19 broke out.

Samskabende Grøn Omstilling (Co-Creation for Sustainability)

  • In 2016-2019 I was actively engaged in the EU-funded research project on the potential of government-citizen co-creation for Green Transition. The project was a collaboration between Danish and Swedish municipalities each contributing with cases related to sustainability. My engagement included documentation, dissemination, and the planning and execution of a range of activities with stakeholders.

Persuasive Designs for Learning – Learning in Persuasive Design

  • In 2011-2016 I conducted my Ph.D. study, in which I explored the relation between persuasive technology and digital learning. My research focus developing ways in which digital solutions in complex organisational contexts can become more effective and engaging. The project included empirical studies at a Danish public school, as well as insights gained through my engagement with the Danish Ministry of Defence.

Grønne Etablissementer (Green Army Barracks)

  • Project Grønne Etablissementer was a project conducted by The Defence Command, Denmark, in which the ambition was to improve the sustainability and energy optimization of military establishments across Denmark. I contributed as workshop facilitator and dissemination expert within the project, and I conducted research and developed solutions focused on influencing the attitude and behaviour amongst army conscripts.

On a personal note...

— On a personal note

As the daughter of a Danish mother and an English father, I have dual citizenship. During my childhood, I lived in Denmark, Greenland and in England. I am now based in Northern Jutland in Denmark, where my husband grew up.

I am married to Lasse, and we are the proud parents of 3 boys; Sebastian, Victor, and Daniel. 

I am also the happy owner of two F1 labradors, Alba and Draco, who are being trained as service dogs.

Get in touch

Sandra Burri Gram-Hansen

Tranekær 15

9310 Vodskov, Denmark


Phone: +45 29676306